Wednesday, November 11, 2020

Ketovore - What is it?

So I'd been hearing a good bit about a variation of Keto, commonly referred to as Ketovore. As you may guess, this is a combination of the Keto and Carnivore diets. Since I tend towards more meat, and fewer veggies, this is a natural fit for me. Dr. Berry discusses this on his YouTube channel quite a bit, and his wife follows this diet. I believe Dr. Berry is basically Carnivore.

So, what are the benefits of a Ketovore diet? Well it's very low carb, and you will naturally be in ketosis while following this diet. With meat and animal products as your main consumption, your carbs will easily stay below 20g a day, and generally mine are below 10g in a day.

Is it easy to stay on this diet? It depends on your likes and dislikes. If you're not a fan of meat, animal fat, and dairy, then you may not like this variation of Keto. But if you are, then give it a try. If on any given day you want more veggies for some reason, no problem, enjoy them. 

What do you eat while following a Ketovore diet? Eggs, bacon, and beef are pretty much my staple foods. I'll have a salad with dinner sometimes, and oftentimes add mushrooms to my omelet or on top of a burger, best cooked with butter of course. I do eat dairy, particularly heavy whipping cream in my coffee and an ounce or two of cheese here and there. And yes, I do drink coffee, not an animal product, but a delicious exception that I take.

I also follow the OMAD "One Meal a Day" way of eating, and with Ketovore, it's been easy to do. After you are in Ketosis, your hunger seems to decrease, I know mine has, thankfully. For me, it's easiest to eat around 1 to 2:00 in the afternoon. I'm seldom hungry before noon, and waiting until 2:00 has not been that difficult. It also gives you time to completely digest your food before bedtime, and you keep quite full until then, no big desire to snack at night. But others may not be able to do that for a variety of reasons, work, family, etc.

Should you track your macros? If you want to get into and stay in Ketosis, then you should. You may naturally line up with the macros, just by mostly eating animal products, but at first, it's a good idea to track them. For me, I try to stay below 5% for carbs, generally I'm around 1 - 2%, so that's not a problem. Then I try to get between 75 - 80% fat, and the rest in protein. If I'm below 70% on fat, I'll feel less satiated, so getting above 70% fat is best for me. 

If you're eating a lot of meat, you'll need to add fat to it, to get to the 75% level. Using butter, tallow, or other fat to cook your meat is a good way to do that. If you're eating a salad, an easy fat bomb, so to speak, is a delicious vinaigrette. I'll use 2 Tbsp of Olive OIl with 1 Tbsp of Apple Cider Vinegar, along with some seasonings, and whisk them together until it's the consistency of a vinaigrette. Makes the salad delicious and gets you the needed fat.

Some say not to watch your calories, but I still do. I use My Fitness Pal for that as well. It works out great. Each night, I create my meal plan for the next day, and generally I stick pretty close to that. Over time, and when you've met your weight loss goals, calorie counting may not be needed, but for me, for now, I'm still counting. It hasn't been a problem, I've been able to stay full even at the lower calorie level.

A sample Ketovore day of eating. Again, I'm on OMAD, so this is a Ketovore OMAD sample day of eating. Well today I had 3 scrambled eggs with 1.5 ounces of stilton cheese on top, I like pungent cheeses, lol. Then I had 8 oz. of grilled jalapeno smoked sausage, nice and spicy. Along with a large cup of coffee with 2 Tbsp of heavy whipping cream, I was completely satisfied with my food for the day. This was a fairly low calorie day, and a little bit of hunger later in the day was satisfied with a cup of sugar free jello.

I'll give one more example day of eating. Yesterday I had more of a lunch/dinner OMAD meal, rather than the breakfast version I had today. I had a 6oz. burger topped with a little onion and more mushrooms, sautéed in butter. I spread a Tbsp of mayo (olive oil mayo) on top of the burger, then topped it all with a fried egg. I also had a small salad that included lettuce, celery, and a few carrots, some cubed cheese, with my homemade vinaigrette dressing. I still had a large cup of coffee, before dinner, with the 2 Tbsp of heavy whipping cream as always. 

By the way, for coffee, I do add a sweetener to it. I've been using a liquid monk fruit sweetener for a while now, and it tastes great. I've seen some YouTube videos on folks who have tested sweeteners, to see if it raises their blood sugar or lowers their ketones. Monk fruit is one that doesn't do either of those things. I haven't tested it myself, and if you are worried about a sweetener, than you should probably test that for yourself.

If you're having trouble losing weight on a Keto diet, but not wanting to go full carnivore, then this mix of the two might be for you. Give the Ketovore diet a try, in that case. 

Tuesday, October 13, 2020

Low Carb is it. Now on Keto after 50!

I'd forgotten about this blog, you can see I hadn't posted in 8 years. It was interesting to review my thoughts back then and the diets that I have tried. I was young then :) in my late 40's when dieting and losing weight was easier. Those were the days.

Now I'm working on establishing a Keto lifestyle. I have been on and off of this diet for a few years now. I lose weight, then go off and gain it back. 

I'm motivated to see it through this time. I really feel terrible when I add carbs to my diet, so I'm not sure why I falter. It's that carb addiction, I know. So, I'm working to get into deep ketosis as quickly as possible, which curbs your hunger, and hopefully takes away those bad carb thoughts. 

In order to get into a deeper ketosis, where I'm definitely running off of ketones, I am doing a fat fast this week. There are a number of variations of the fat fast, but basically keep your carb and protein counts pretty low and your fat counts high. I'm aiming for very high, close to 90% of my calories from fat, very few carbs, and the rest protein. 

Keeping my calories around 1100 (many say you should keep it around 900 - 1000, but I needed it a little higher to stave off hunger). To get that much fat, I'm consuming one or two bullet proof coffees, adding a fat bomb or two to my diet, and using vinaigrette in my salad. 

I'm on day 2 and doing fine. I was a bit hungry on day 1, although I tried to eat (which includes drinking a bulletproof coffee) every few hours. Today was much easier. I had a bulletproof coffee in the morning, a fat bomb around noon, and made it easily to dinner. 

I'm only doing this for 4 days. Recommended not to stay on it too long since you're getting minimal protein, but 4 to 7 days should be fine. I'll weigh myself after the 4 days and report on any weight loss, even though that's not the primary goal here. It is to get into ketosis, so that hunger dissipates, and that I can continue on a healthier Keto for the long run. I'll likely continue with fat fasts every so often to help boost weight loss as well. 

I have also gone on an egg fast, which is a different animal. The calories are higher, around 1600 per day, but it works. It's also likely the very low carb and higher fat content that does the trick. On an egg fast, the fat percentage is in the low 80s, but still high compared to most Keto plans.

I generally lose about 4 to 5 pounds on an egg fast of 3 to 5 days. I'll elaborate on an egg fast some more in future posts. 

Tuesday, June 26, 2012

Update on Metabolism Miracle

Have been following the Metabolism Miracle plan for 3 weeks now. I do feel better following this plan, likely because I am consuming fewer carbs and at the right intervals. Long term this diet may get old, but I believe the key is to vary the foods you eat. You don't lose weight fast on this plan, which is generally a good thing. But if you want a few more pounds to come off, then they would otherwise, then I believe the key would be to pay close attention to the fats you are consuming on this plan. I am migrating towards making more of my proteins to be fish and shellfish. They are plentiful where I live, and I have found that I always lose weight faster when increasing my fish intake.

When doing so, there are plenty of warnings out there about not consuming too much fish that are high in mercury (generally the bigger fish). I stick to fish caught locally (trout, flounder, redfish, etc.) as well as Salmon (wild caught only). Shellfish are my favorite and shrimp and blue crabs are plentiful right now. Shrimp may have a bit more cholesterol, but as is pointed out the cholesterol in you food isn't as important as what your body produces. Following the Metabolism Miracle plan should manage your cholesterol very well.

The Metabolis Miracle plan has produced as advertised thus far. As with any diet plan, you just need to find out what works best for you.

Wednesday, May 30, 2012

Hmmm....the Metabolism Miracle Seems to Make a Lot of Sense

I haven't posted in a long while. I stuck to the Ideal Protein diet for a while and lost a good amount of weight, about 40 lbs. But in the subsequent year(s), have gained it all back.

I was slowly getting back to the low carb lifestyle, with the Sugar Busters diet, when I decided to check out "The Metabolism Miracle" by Diane Kress. I've read through most of the book, and it seems to make a whole lot of sense. Most of what she describes in the book fits me to a T. I have been successful on low carb diets, but only to a point. Then as soon as I reintroduce carbs, I start to put the weight back on.

She describes this as having an alternate metabolism which she coins as "Metabolism "B". Those with Metabolism B can only handle a certain amount of carbs at a time. Which is why the basics of the diet involve counting carbs over a 5 hour period. During the first phase of the diet, you can have up to 5 grams of carbs every 5 hours, which she calls the 5x5 plan.

Like all other low carb diets, she explains that there are different types of carbs, some better than others, and yes this diet stresses the use of the "good carbs". One of the many interesting facts about this book, is her simple definition of how many grams of carbs are in a particular food item. You simply take the total grams of carbs/serving and subtract the grams of dietary fiber/serving and you get the net grams of carb/serving. Many of the low carb foods on the market use a substitute for sugar, called sugar alcohol. She explains that the body processes the sugar alcohol similarly as sugar, and hence it counts as carb grams.

I have just begun this diet, the first phase of it which she calls "Carb Rehab", pretty funny. Great explanations on the scientific reasoning behind this plan are included in the book. Even if you decide not to follow this program, it is a great read, and can help you understand how your body processes carbs. Check it out, "The Metabolism Miracle", by Diane Kress.

I will be posting at least weekly with more insight on the diet, as well as how I am faring on it, including recipes. I always like creating new recipes to fit a diet plan. Although the book does contain quite a few new recipes for me to try.

She recommends weighing only after the first 8 weeks, but I'll likely step on the scale after 4 to get an idea of how it is going.

Wednesday, January 12, 2011

Still sticking to Low Carb

I tried a switch to Advocare products as a way to stay healthy and continue with weight loss. They are a great way to stay healthy, and some lose weight by adhering to their product use, but that was not my experience. Perhaps since I've become used to a low carb lifestyle, switching to one that wasn't did not work. The advocare products are fairly low in calories (~220 calories for a meal replacement shake), but are rather high in carbohydrates (~24g of carbohydrates for that same shake).

So back to the low carb lifestyle. Will continue with the vitamin supplements I get from Advocare, but not with the food products. I have returned to a low carb, 5 to 6 meal routine, and am losing those extra pounds I gained in the last few months. It was nice having meal bars and shakes at the ready for a quick meal between meals, but there are products out there that are much lower in carbohydrates. The Atkins shakes and bars are excellent between meal solutions and have only 2 or 3 carbs per shake or bar. Much more like it. They are pretty tasty too!

So, in 2011, it will be sticking to a low carb, healthy diet, and all should be good.

Saturday, June 26, 2010

Need an Energy Boost?

I have started using Advocare products to boost my energy levels and it has worked great. Advocare Spark is a great sugar free energy drink, with lots of vitamins (they list 21 different vitamins). I drink this in the morning in place of breakfast, and it gives me a great energy boost to start the day. Kind of tastes like your morning juice, especially the citrus or mandarin orange flavors, but without all of that sugar.

If you are still looking for a weight loss program, advocare has many products and associated programs to help you with that goal. It is best to start with their 10 day herbal cleanse program which helps rid your body of any toxins, and gives you a great jump start on a weight loss plan. I know what you are thinking when you hear the word "cleanse". This is a toxin cleanse, and you will be drinking a lot of water, so the toxins come out of you through waste fluid, not solid, if you know what I mean :).

Full disclosure: I am a distributor for their products, but only because I have tried it and it has worked for me. If you want more information on their products, you can check out my Advocare distributor page, or if you prefer you can go directly to the advocare site. Email me with any questions.

Monday, November 2, 2009

Are Shiratake Noodles a Good Sub for Grain Noodles?

You are on a low carbohydrate diet and you have been craving good old spaghetti and meatballs. Is there a viable lower carbohydrate option to the standard egg based noodles?

Well, you can get the whole wheat spaghetti, which isn't necessarily lower in carbs, but is lower in the glycemic index. Just goes back to staying away from the white foods, and eat the brown foods.

Shiratake noodles have become more popular as of late, as a substitute for the grain or egg noodle. These are white or clear noodles that contain little to no carbohydrates and calories. But will they quench that craving? I have tried the miracle noodles, available online. They are made out of Konjac root which is a natural fiber. They come delivered in small packages. To cook, you first must rinse the noodles, they have a fishy smell out of the package, so you must rinse thoroughly. The fishy smell does go away after rinsing. Then just heat and eat with whatever topping you choose.

The noodles are very filling, but basically have no taste. They will take on the taste of whatever you cook with them. The consistency is chewier than what you will be used to. If you simply must have pasta and don't want to add any carbohydrates to your diet, then give them a try. Other varieties of shiratake noodles are available at stores such as Whole Foods. I found these noodles work best in Asian style soups or stir fry dishes, rather than with a tomato sauce.

I would still recommend getting a good whole grain pasta, and use this once in a while, it will be much more satisfying.